Think Differently – Change Your Perspective

It’s easy to fall into the same patterns day-in-day-out. Wake up the same way, eat the same breakfast, work the same way, eat the same dinners, go to sleep. Whilst it’s great to have structure and good habits in your life. You can’t grow and improve your life if you can’t think differently about your same old routine.

The best way to change the way you think about things is to change the perspective from which you’re looking at them. Changing your perspective allows for growth and for new ideas and thoughts to enter your mind. Here are some top tips for gaining a new perspective.

Tips for Changing Your Perspective
  • Consider Other’s Perspective – It may seem like a simple one. But putting yourself in other people’s shoes could help you see a new way of looking at certain situations. How one person experiences something, can be completely different from your experience. So it’s important to take into account other perspectives to gain a fuller picture.
  • Think of the Bigger Picture – Leading on from the previous point, it’s easy to get lost in the little details of life. However, thinking of the bigger picture can help you gain clarity. And may relieve some stress along the way. Think about how your actions and behaviour could change the bigger picture.
  • Write down Your Negative Thoughts – (I can hear my colleagues taking a big intake of breath here! As us Solution Focused folks like to focus on the opposite! However, this can be a great exercise to do, so bear with me….) Once written down, focus on these thoughts, and how they affect your mood. Negative thoughts can cloud our judgement and our perspective, and so realising the effects these thoughts have on your mind can help to give them less power. Now write down a list of positives and notice the different ways that list makes you feel.
  • Help Others – Helping others less fortunate than you can put your struggles into perspective. Whilst you shouldn’t feel your struggles and worries are invalidated just because people have it worse. It can help to feel like you are putting some positivity in the world which in turn will lift your spirits.
  • Change Your Routine, even for a Day – Changing your routine for just a day can give you an insight into how you can actively change your life. Walk the dog down a different route, try that new restaurant, (when we can again!) message old friends. Do things you wouldn’t normally do; the results might surprise you!
Perspective Can Make All the Difference

How you perceive yourself, others, and the world around you can have a huge impact on your thoughts, emotions, and outlook. You can choose to take a negative perspective which in turn will reflect on your mood, or you can pivot your perspective and see what positive things life has to offer.

If you’d like some help seeing a different perspective, give me a call or send me an email to book in for an Initial Consultation!