Easter Holidays

The start of the Easter ๐Ÿฃholidays can be a bit of a stressful time to those parents that have to juggle their work or business around childcare ๐Ÿ™„. I know it has taken a lot of shifting things around here so I can continue that continuity of client care. I’ve done it ๐Ÿ‘Œ, but I am interested to know how others cope?

What challenges do you face over this period? What do you put in place? How does it make you feel? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค”

Sometimes parents can suffer a lot of guilt having to make use of Holiday Clubs etc.

Do you have any good suggestions of how you work around these longer holidays? Do share..

Parent guilt ๐Ÿ˜ž is often raised in my clinic room, from Mums having to work alongside being the main caregiver.

It’s tough, and I don’t think that women often give themselves the credit that they so rightly deserve๐Ÿ†. Changing hats all the time is not easy. Which is why there is often a lot of guilt when it comes to checking those work emails in front of children.

Getting the balance โš–๏ธright is very difficult and getting into ones Solution Focused mode can be incredibly important. We all have wobbles sometimes, including me, but chatting to someone and flicking yourself into that correct headset helps immeasurably.

If you are needing a bit of help in this area get in contact, 07974 153487, or email viv@hypnotherapyandhealth.co.uk. Lets get you firing back up and ready to go!