Anti Smoking Therapy

Stop doing it to yourself

Smoking is one of the greatest causes of premature death in the UK. Want to stop now? Try the Anti Smoking Therapy. The best thing anyone can do to help themselves have a longer healthier life is STOP smoking!

We all know the dangers of smoking, but unfortunately your primitive part of your brain doesn’t. The Anti Smoking Therapy session helps your subconscious to really understand that this is not a great thing to do. And gets your conscious mind to really understand the conflicts in the mind when we suffer from this dangerous habit.

My aim

My aim is to get you firing in the correct part of the brain so that you can stop this destructive habit for good. As when you are in the correct frame of mind you will stop as there is no other sensible option.

Do you have a genuine desire to stop? Hypnotherapy has great results and is a good method to really understand what is happening in the brain when you smoke. To help you stop for good.

Do you live in Bath, Atworth, Corsham, Bradford on Avon, Melksham, Trowbridge, Devizes or Surrounding Wiltshire villages? If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Bath or hypnotherapy in Wiltshire contact me now and book in for an initial consultation.

I had been wanting to give up smoking for ages but always made up excuses for not doing it, like work pressures, or other things getting in the way. Then it all seemed to get a bit serious, I started experiencing chest pains. I am a fit person, who enjoys cycling and running and am in my 40’s so it was really time to take action. Up visiting some friends in Wiltshire a friend of mine (sick of hearing me talk about quitting) told me to put my money where my mouth was and book in with the hypnotherapist that had helped him. Viv taught me in the session that it was not about just giving up it was about stopping for good. Viv explained how my mind was working and why I was not being able to tip the balance. Her teaching in the session about the conflicting minds in my brain, seemed to flick the switch that I needed. Finally I could understand who was in control of this habit, and quite frankly, I was not about to be ruled by a 6 year old!
I haven’t looked back and have now been free from that disgusting habit for over a year now. (I can say that now I’m an ex-smoker, Thanks loads Viv)



I was stuck in my own head and dwelling on a succession of negative events and I suppose feeling a little sorry for myself, looking for excuses to carry on smoking rather than reasons to quit which I really wanted to beat once and for all, and even though I knew that was ridiculous I just felt I was in this downward spiral of emotions which made me feel even more frustrated. Something needed to change.
I was introduced to Viv’s hypnotherapy and after the very first session, I felt more optimistic about things almost straight away.  I was given insight into the complexity of how a brain works and how you can forge negative patterns in your head by over thinking things, and I was encouraged by the fact those thoughts can be replaced with positive ones so your brain becomes re-tuned, so to speak.
After a handful of sessions I could really feel that downward spiral of emotions coming to a halt and then slowly rise upwards in to a more positive place. I stopped smoking, started eating better, and really found myself gathering momentum in that other direction.
The whole process has permanently changed me to a degree I’d say. I can see when I am being negative now and I try and quickly respond to that by mentally giving myself a slap around the face if needed to get back on track.  All in all I can’t recommend Viv’s expertise enough. She’s calm, relaxed and appears to enjoy the process and the success it brings as much if not more than the person she’s helping.



To accelerate change