Being a Mum of a six month old I currently seem to be spending the odd night or two! up at the most unsociable hours of the night (I think teeth might be on their way!)… For a while during these times I found myself not really thinking about much apart from: ‘has she dropped off…’, or ‘Now’s my chance to put her back in the cot bed’, ‘what time is it…’ etc, etc.

It always seemed to be concentrating on getting my daughter back into bed so that I could get back to mine. This got me thinking. I work with many clients and we are always looking at ways to fit in as much time for positive thinking as possible as we know that getting that positive thinking going helps us get that hit of serotonin enabling us to be nice, brave and coping individuals.

My thoughts also made me think of the laws of attraction, here I was effectively thinking about my daughter being awake when most are asleep, i.e. focusing on what I didn’t want rather than what I did. So I decided to have a bit of fun with this new time that I now have available to me. I first started by listing what I feel grateful for.

Well, wow what a wonderful thing to do, my list went on and on. When you start listing and then getting in to the minute details of what you really feel grateful for it warms the heart no end. I was amazed when I looked down at my watch and an hour had passed.

The amazing bit in all this was how I noticed my body feeling during this time. When I was concentrating on things like being tired at 3am, I was; or noticing that my back was a bit achy – it did more so than before!  When I focused on all the amazing things such as why I was actually up at this time in the first place and how grateful I was for all these wonderful things in my life I felt light, happy, healthy, loved; my body young with vitality… Amazing what a shift in ones thoughts can actually mean for your how you feel physically.

And you know what practice does…  So I now do this whenever I have a spare moment, whilst getting out of bed, washing up or waiting for the kettle to boil, walking my dog or doing the housework.

There is so much more to do regarding looking into ways in which you can look positively, attracting new and wonderful things into your life; the list goes on so I am off in a moment to do a bit more – I wonder where it will lead, its an exciting thought and action to do… Why not give it a try?

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