Being Creative: What it does for one’s mental health!

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s far too easy for our mental and emotional health to take a backseat. We are all guilty of getting sidetracked by errands, job duties, kids, cooking, cleaning – I could go on forever! Life has a habit of getting crazy when we really don’t need it to. At times like this how can we possibly squeeze in some self-care?

Well, it might be easier and more accessible than you thought. Self care doesn’t necessarily mean an expensive spa treatment or 2 week holiday abroad (it definitely can though!) It can also mean having a creative output that helps improve your mental clarity. Creative activities such as writing, journaling, reading, baking, gardening, playing music, and sewing are all brilliant for helping relieve stress and anxiety.

Do you remember the fun and joy of expressing yourself creatively as a child? Using all the crayons in the box and colouring outside the lines?! Sadly this pleasure is often lost as we grow up. Getting creative can have great mental benefits for everyone, no matter what age we are.

It can:

? Help you to calm your mind and relax allowing you to refocus your thoughts away from worry and stress.

? Brighten your mood and release endorphins.

? Be a way of expressing what’s going on in your life – in a way that you may not find comfortable or even possible in everyday conversation.

? Help you to meet ? new, like-minded people that have had similar life experiences.

? Empower you and create a sense of identity and achievement.

? Give you a new purpose, meaning or direction when you feel like you have nothing.

? Boost your self-esteem. You’ll soon realise that you can create wonderful things if you give it time.

There is absolutely no need to worry that you can’t do this or that. Anyone of any age or ability can get involved. Just give it a go!