
I decided to carve out a bit of time this week and dedicate to something I’ve been meaning to sort for Carve out time for youages!
After years of having a guitar in my spare room, reminding me of times where I use to play about on it but never got to a standard I was that pleased with. I booked myself a lesson.

What a relief, doing something that you have been meaning to do for ages. Who would have thought it would have taken me so long. (I won’t disclose how many years!)

Well this is what often happens in life we get so busy doing other things such as work, family stuff, walking the dog, etc, etc that we stop doing things we enjoy, or carving out a little bit of time to focus on something that will be enriching to us.

I often hear in my clinic room similar stories about people not cracking on with things that they want to or need too. We have a saying in our house in the mornings “Do what you need to do before you do what you want to do” this is really aimed at my chatty 4 year old daughter who would much rather point out interesting facts than get ready for school in the mornings! And as much as I encourage that inquisitive mind… sometimes there are jobs to do!


So what five small steps can you take to carve out time and get things moving in the right direction for you?


  • List making can work – it can be quite satisfying ticking things off!
  • Start a job that you have been putting off. Often when you do this, you realise that it isn’t as bad as you first thought…
  • Schedule / Carve out a bit of time each day to do something nice for you… Mine is now practicing my guitar – I think half hour should be good. When you schedule it in you will be amazed at the time you think you don’t have.
  • Build time in for a bit of exercise, it’s amazing for the brain – even helps build new neurons in the brain – so what could be better than that!
  • Relax – now for my clients that would be listening to my track each night – that promotes good sleep, and when we have had a good night sleep, everything the following day will look much better.


So start something today that you have been meaning to do… Go on, I did and it feels great…