by Viv Kenchington | Dec 1, 2021 | Christmas countdown, Hypnotherapy News, New stuff in the practice, Uncategorized, What am I up to?
It’s that time again, Christmas will soon be upon us. So I will be doing a little countdown for you to enjoy on Facebook and Instagram! Little ideas that are nice to do, that will make you smile, that will make you think and generally things that you can have a...
by Viv Kenchington | Sep 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Well after ankle injury and MRI saying no significant tendon/ligament damage, strapped up with tape and a proper ankle support for the run, the triathlon was done, and I loved every minute… can’t wait to see the official photos on Tuesday. Still on a high now! And...
by Viv Kenchington | Aug 3, 2021 | Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized
Are you at risk of Professional burnout? We have all felt the stress of balancing work-home life, especially as the distinction has blurred due to COVID-19. Sometimes it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the workload, and therefore our time for self-care is limited....
by Viv Kenchington | May 19, 2020 | Hypnotherapy News, Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized
What little gifts ?will you recognise today? We are surrounded all the time by things that could be considered as gifts?. It could be a fleeting smile from a stranger or a beautiful flower that caught your eye. Something that you may have seen on my Facebook page:...
by Viv Kenchington | May 12, 2020 | Hypnotherapy News, New stuff in the practice, Uncategorized
So after a client asking whether “The Wash Away River version 1”, would be ok for her 11-year-old son. I had a good think about it and I thought I’d better do a second version of the track to cater to an older audience. This version. “The Wash...
by Viv Kenchington | Apr 21, 2020 | Hypnotherapy News, Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized, What am I up to?
Writing letters why it is so good… When I first moved away from home at the age of 18. It was in the days when no one I knew, owned a mobile phone. I had to use the local phone-box around the corner. And there was always a queue. If you were in there longer than...