Starting a new school year is a daunting process no matter how old you are. Whether it’s beginning a whole
new chapter of your life at secondary school, college or university or even returning for your second year, being thrown back into that environment can be really difficult for some.

There are so many things to contend with, meeting new people & making friends, exploring new places & getting to know your surroundings, studying and even joining school activities. It can all feel too much, especially at the start. The beginning of term can be extremely stressful not only for children but also their parents, if you’re a parent of a child who’s about to embark on a new year it’s important that you put out a calm, positive energy so that they feel optimistic and no extra stress is added. Be there to listen to any worries or concerns they may have on starting the new year, even if you don’t know quite how to help talking things through can majorly relieve stress on the topic.
Being there to support your child as they adjust to being back in an educational environment is vital, the more they see examples of dealing with stressful situations in a positive way, the sooner they will be able to do it for themselves. If they’re feeling negative towards school or have hang ups about something in particular make sure you listen and try to understand the problems. Create a good line of communication on the subject so they feel they’re able to discuss and work through any issues they may have, rather than dismissing the negativity, focus on coming up with a solution.
Going back to school comes with a never-ending list of what your child needs to get done, to avoid anxiety encourage them to start early so it doesn’t pile up. This means getting summer holiday assignments done in plenty of time, buying any books or stationery they may need and making sure they know where their uniform is. Other actions they could take to prepare include looking ahead through the year to see when they will have busy periods, and then making a plan so they know how to spend their time each week. This will help them to feel more organised and reduce the fear of the unknown.
The start of the new year comes with enough pressure without the need of adding more, ensure that your child doesn’t try to cram everything in within the first few weeks. They may feel that they have to catch up after the holidays or that they don’t have enough time to fit everything in, but that’s not the case. Remind them that they have plenty of time to do things and to pace themselves, if they spread themselves too thinly it will cause them to burn out. Taking time to relax and spend time with friends is essential for a healthy school/life balance.
If your child is anxious about starting a new school year or is feeling worried about the challenges it may throw up and you think they may need support, then Solution Focused Hypnotherapy could be the way forward. Get in touch and we can discuss further.