I’ve written a new track for 6 to 10-year-olds called ‘The Wash Away River’. I’m so pleased with it. ⭐️

I make up stories each night for my own daughter ?. And after an enquiry from a friend, and a little session of mind-clearing my end. I sat down with my laptop two nights ago and the words just flowed.

I’m really pleased with it. I ran it past my best critic (my daughter) who loved it too! ?❤️

I’ve been increasingly worried about children’s mental health, and have seen a lot of children in my clinic room over the years.

With all that is going on at the moment, we have to remember our little ones are being exposed to an awful lot of media coverage, rightly or wrongly. But they don’t always have the filters or understandings that we have as grown adults, to process the things they hear.

So this track is there to support ? sleep and to help wash away worries, create inner strength ? and confidence.

I really hope that your little ones enjoy it, I have hundreds of stories in my memory bank! so I must get on and start writing more! So keep your eyes out for more in the series.

The new track refers to their favourite cuddly toy ?, so I’ve said it is good for 6 – 10 years old, but could be for older kids too, just make sure that have got their favourite cuddly toy to hand!!! ??????

Stay Safe All
