“Don’t ignore pain; appreciate its message: You need to change now!”
― Shannon L. Alder
I really like that quote – it works on different levels – the body and the mind.

I am a great supporter of Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Osteopathy, acupuncture and other alternative practices. And if I ever have a structural or muscular problem I never put off getting to my Osteopath ASAP.
But also if you are experiencing pain in other ways through current situations or patterns of behaviour. Then it is time to act. Don’t ignore the pain – Alder’s right. Masking the pain, by taking a painkiller, for example doesn’t really solve the real problem.
And again ‘Wow’ if you think about it – any pain whether physical or mental, is our wonderful ability to wave a red flag to ourselves. So again appreciate it, don’t ignore it as it’s your own personal warning sign. In the physical, so that you don’t do more damage. But you can also say the same for mental pain. If things are that painful – change is needed.
What could you do to make things different?
I work with a Solution Focused approach. And this helps people see beyond the problems and work out their own solutions. I love what I do and the people that I work with – they are all so inspiring. Firstly as they have recognised their own red flags. And that is something to admire.
It takes a lot of courage to look at oneself, to recognise the need for change or the need for help. So I salute all those recognising that need in themselves. And hope they enjoy their journey.