I am continually amazed at the resources that my clients have and what useful ideas that they come up with to help themselves. My
clients always hear me referring to (or banging on about) positive interactions, actions and thinking to increase those levels of serotonin. So many of my clients find wonderful ways to make sure that every day is filled with as much positivity as they can, this is a wonderful thing to do as then we become more effective at producing Serotonin and then of course the more we get the better we feel, and then the more we hunt out situations for ourselves to be in to get that feeling.
I saw a lovely video on Facebook yesterday about random acts of kindness, the whole video was people watching acts of kindness and then doing something kind for someone else and then someone watching them and the chain of kindness continued… I think it was titled “This will change your life”. Unfortunately I can’t find it – or I would have put a link to it, but watch out for it. It was inspiring and reminded me of how many amazing people there are out there in this wonderful world.
We are amazing and help to show others how amazing you are – keep that chain of positive interactions, actions and thinking going and see where it gets you – I can guarantee it will get someone else further too.
Help yourself change today – call for a free of charge Initial Consultation 07974 153 487.