Unexpected party
Unexpected party time!

Unexpected, random…

I have friends coming to stay tonight and there’s a birthday too, so I’m planning to make a cake??and get a few treats ready to celebrate (he’s not on fb so he won’t know it!).

This got me thinking of those times when you do something unexpected for others, and what it can potentially mean for that person.?

Have you ever had a tricky day, and then someone smiles ?at you on the street, or does some random or unexpected act of kindness? How did it make you feel?

Once I was in a supermarket and needed change from a fiver to get a pound for the trolly and I asked a lady, she didn’t have change but – thrust a pound in my hand and said “have it darling, it’s nice to do things for people”. ?

I’ve never forgotten this and can’t wait to be asked in a supermarket or somewhere for help like that so I can do the same and pass on that lovely sentiment.

So what experiences like that have you had – I’d love to hear, and what are your nice intentions for the day, the weekend? Is there something special you will be doing?
Don’t you just love sharing the love? ?
I do! ??