What little gifts ?will you recognise today?

We are surrounded all the time by things that could be considered as gifts?. It could be a fleeting smile from a stranger or a beautiful flower that caught your eye.
Something that you may have seen on my Facebook page: (Viv Kenchington Hypnotherapy) the other day was a post of a picture I took that caught my eye. It was a lone ladybird ?on a blade of grass.
It was so tiny as you can imagine in a large field, and on a rather new shoot of grass. But it was light a bolt of lightning⚡️… My attention was zoomed in on it, though it took me a second to realise what I’d seen and I had to take a couple of steps back to make sure..
That’s when I took the photo. It was such a ? lovely moment. That bright red ?against the green shoots of grass. A pure gift in my eyes.

Notice the small stuff it matters

I often talk about noticing the small stuff to my clients as it is such an important thing to do. I’d love you all to share those little gifts ?here, or on my Facebook page against this post.
Reply to this post with your little moments and photos of them if you have any. Help inspire others to look for those little gifts, it really makes a difference.
I have a little sign in my treatment room in the Atworth Clinic that lots of you will have seen it says:
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were big things”
I love this quote as it makes to think about the small stuff and how it influences us. It can really change one’s day when you see or experience something nice, no matter how big or small.
And we have probably all had one of those days where things don’t seem to be going our way. And then somebody shows us an act of kindness or humours us in some way. And all of a sudden we feel better. So it just goes to prove that engaging with the small stuff helps. Whether you consider them as gifts, random acts, serendipity, or just happy coincidence – it really doesn’t matter what does matter though is clocking them!