Weekends are a great day for meeting friends, catching up with people that you don’t get a chance to see often .❤️ Those positive interactions are what make us happy, nice brave coping little souls! But what happens if you end up whinging for the whole time that you are with your friends?

Have you ever felt a bit worried, annoyed or het up about something. And call a friend saying that you need a good chat… Maybe secretly looking forward to seeing your friend so that you can tell them all about it. ? And then you met up with your best mate or bunch of friends. And there just isn’t the space for that whinge and you end up having a real good laugh instead. Then you find that you forget what you were miserable or worried about?

I guess most people have had that experience at some point in their life. And after felt so much lighter and happier. Maybe even come away, with a different outlook on the situation or even a solution for it.

Left prefrontal cortex

Well this is not only because of the power of that positive interaction. But the fact that you have just spent the last hour, or two, or three in your left prefrontal cortex. The part of the brain that makes you feel good, is positive and helps you find solutions.

By operating from the left prefrontal cortex. You have allowed your limbic system in the brain, where the fight or flight response comes from, to calm down. Thus allowing your clever brain to deal with any problems. Enabling you to make better decisions, that are more in line with what you actually want.

Whinging is bad for you!

Research has actually shown the shrinking of peoples left prefrontal cortex. Especially in those who have been depressed for a number of years.

And most will have heard of the wonderful 12 year study showing the effects of positive thought, carried out by Richard Davidson. A Neuroscientist from the University of Wisconsin. He studied a Tibetan Buddhist Monk called Matthieu Ricard. And after the study Ricard, was called “The Happiest Man in the World”. Davidson carried out a series of MIR scans on Ricard to see what was happening in his brain when he meditated. And guess what, the left prefrontal cortex displayed excessive activity.

We are all aware that being positive can prove very difficult from time to time. But it is something that we have to work on if we want to be nice, brave and coping.

So just think of that the next time you start to moan about a situation, or have a little whinge in the office. Try speaking about something totally different that makes you, and others laugh instead. And see the different effect that it has on your physical being, and your day. I think you will be amazed at the difference…

Have fun with it. If you have a friend or work colleague that is always whinging. Ask them what their favourite holiday destination is or favourite flavour of ice cream! See what happens… Just don’t ask them ‘how they are’ – that could open a whole can of worms!

If you feel like you are a little sick of whinging and want to break that cycle. PM me or email viv@hypnotherapyandhealth.co.uk.
Lets stop that broken record and move onto something less boring instead! ?