Whinging why it’s not good!

Weekends are a great day for meeting friends, catching up with people that you don’t get a chance to see often .❤️ Those positive interactions are what make us happy, nice brave coping little souls! But what happens if you end up whinging for the whole time that you...

More Cycling!

As you know I love my cycling and hill training is now my best pal! This month a friend of mine and I took ourselves off and did the Wiggle 100. And although the B&B where we stayed had the worse mattresses known to man, and neither of us got a good night sleep....

Exam Buster Sessions

Are you seeing anxious behaviour in your household? Are you a parent of a teenager getting ready for GCSE’s or A’Levels?  Well you are not alone and I am seeing, as I do at this time of year an increasing number of teenagers needing help to lower...