by Viv Kenchington | Feb 27, 2019 | Hypnotherapy News, Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized
Breakfast … some people love it, some not. I am definitely a lover of food in the mornings. And find it difficult to skip breakfast. If I do, my blood sugar seems to drop and I can’t think… So mostly I eat a hearty bowl of porridge with dried fruit...
by Viv Kenchington | Jan 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
Weekends are a great day for meeting friends, catching up with people that you don’t get a chance to see often .❤️ Those positive interactions are what make us happy, nice brave coping little souls! But what happens if you end up whinging for the whole time that you...
by Viv Kenchington | Nov 28, 2018 | Hypnotherapy News, Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized, What am I up to?
I decided to carve out a bit of time this week and dedicate to something I’ve been meaning to sort for ages! After years of having a guitar in my spare room, reminding me of times where I use to play about on it but never got to a standard I was that pleased...
by Viv Kenchington | Sep 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
As you know I love my cycling and hill training is now my best pal! This month a friend of mine and I took ourselves off and did the Wiggle 100. And although the B&B where we stayed had the worse mattresses known to man, and neither of us got a good night sleep....
by Viv Kenchington | Jul 12, 2018 | Hypnotherapy News, Inspirational Stuff, Uncategorized, What am I up to?
So I did the Welsh Velothon on Sunday, a 140km cycle and two mountains, on quite possibly the hottest day of the year or at least it felt it when cycling up the Tumble and Caerphilly Mountain! But I didn’t stop up the mountains but did have to make use of the...
by Viv Kenchington | Mar 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Are you seeing anxious behaviour in your household? Are you a parent of a teenager getting ready for GCSE’s or A’Levels? Well you are not alone and I am seeing, as I do at this time of year an increasing number of teenagers needing help to lower...