Clutter… Arhhh…

We all have a bit of clutter in our lives, from our cupboards to our cars. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit Clutterof clutter in that sense. But when it comes to our mind, clutter is debilitating.

When we have so many things on our minds, whether it be work, family, or just general life, we struggle to focus and put our full energy into each task.

One of the best ways to help clear your mind and keep you on-top of jobs you currently have. Is by learning to say NO!

It’s so important not to over-exert yourself, or you’ll end up burning out. Saying ‘no’ to extra jobs or responsibilities when you’re at capacity is a necessary skill. It ensures your well-being stays in tip-top shape. It can be hard to say ‘no’ sometimes, but always think of the reason you’re saying it. It’s not to be mean, but for your own well-being.

Setting priorities

Setting priorities is another way to tackle the ever-growing list of tasks to be completed. Rather than stretching yourself out over multiple jobs. Focus on the most important ones first. Focus on quality over quantity as you may find yourself making mistakes if you’re constantly flipping between different tasks.

Physically decluttering can also set you into the right mindset of decluttering mentally. Organise your workspace and have everything ordered. A clear space will help trigger a clear mind. There is nothing better than sorting out that job like the loft or cupboard under the stairs. When you think about it every time you walk past that problem area, cupboard, garage, garden shed etc. Whatever it may be. It is actually causing you stress and anxiety. You might not notice it more than a: “Oh, flipping heck I must sort that” kind of thought. But all those thought will add up.

I have seen so many clients de-clutter their homes when they have got into the zone of helping themselves. And you can see why. It helps keep a quiet mind, there are no nagging or irritating thoughts.

So what steps will you take? What is going to make you have less “Oh, flipping heck I must sort that” kind of thoughts?

If you need any help with decluttering your mind. And want solution focussed plans to keep you on track with your jobs.  Feel free to get in contact. It is never too late to start.