Christmas is over, and January in full swing… Almost! New Years are often a time when people like to make New Year Resolutions and have great plans for getting things done, starting new regimes whether that be fitness, nutritionally (especially after all the over indulgence) or at work, i.e. I will get to work earlier so I can gather my thoughts a little before the madness begins!

It doesn’t matter what you are planning the secret is to actually not plan much! Now, I am all for planning things, getting people moving in a positive direction – the direction that they want. However, if you overload yourself with all the things that you want to do, or feel like you should be doing, it it coming from the wrong part of you…

This kind of thinking is coming from our naughty little 6 year old brain…  It is almost setting you up for failure so that it can prove that you are not good enough, as you couldn’t even stick to going to the gym for more that a month or so – or you didn’t stop that cheeky glass of vino after work, or you didn’t get on top of your accounts, like you said you would…

And what is the result… We stop, we feel like a failure, we couldn’t do what we wanted and therefore what is the point starting again when we know we will just end up being a big fat failure!

Ha, TEN to the Primitive Mind, Nil to YOU…

Great so how can we turn that around… Well I believe that it is very simple. Just focus on ONE, yes just ONE thing that you want. And no matter what (unless your life depends on it!) Do it…

Soon you will feel so flipping smug that you are doing it, you will begin realising that it is making such a difference to you that you couldn’t think of life without it! You will start to love it, speak about it to others, your friends and family and become your own best cheerleader.

Then it becomes part of you.. Your intellectual self, your CEO of you. And boom when we are in that headset, what happens then… well we start thinking of another thing we want to crack. And we strive for more.

Now this is not to say that all is plain sailing from here on… Life throws curved balls at us all the time, we get tired, hungry, ill… And things can slide. But if you keep authentic and don’t let that little 6 year old have a party for too long, you will recover quicker and get back to it.

So keep it simple, and get the real you in charge.
