Christmas Questions

The Christmas Questions will be starting on the 1st December on Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you go and have a look… This year I thought I’d ask questions to make you think, rather than what I’ve done for the past couple of years suggesting...

New Year Questions, what would adjust you?

It’s 2022, and wow what a couple of years we have had. I hope that we can now all start to look forward and learn to adjust to whatever we need too. Learning to adjust can be a big step for many and some find it very difficult indeed. Our minds are programmed to...

Present ideas

So just a very quick note to say that if you are looking for a special present this year for someone why not contact me for a treatment voucher. I can provide Hypnotherapy or Reflexology vouchers, and after a little discussion we can put together the package that you...


Today whilst swimming and concentrating on technique, I started to think about how the smallest of changes can make such a difference. There I was concentrating on body position, twisting, reaching etc, etc connecting with my inner aquatic self! When it all just...

Go Ankle Go!

Well after ankle injury and MRI saying no significant tendon/ligament damage, strapped up with tape and a proper ankle support for the run, the triathlon was done, and I loved every minute… can’t wait to see the official photos on Tuesday. Still on a high now! And...